BIRDS OF PREY #36#37#38#42 - DC COMICS (2002)

€ 8.00


Power Girl is at the hospital bed of the sleeping Theodore Kord and tells him the story of her first team-up with Oracle. When Oracle asked her for help Power Girl was at a low point in her life. Power Girl still agreed and boarded a plane to Dhubari. Oracle explained that the government of Qurac recently had been overthrown by the military and General Rassam Harrat had named himself President of Qurac. Thousands of people were fleeing the country via the port of Qizzim and it was Power Girl's mission to make sure that former female President Haiza Musharu was able to leave Qurac safe as well. From Dhubari Power Girl continued the travel by flying on her own. She coordinated her recon mission with the Captain of an American aircraft carrier. Haiza Musharu was not happy about Power Girl's support though because the help of an American might have weakened her political position. Power Girl understood her point but she just wanted to make sure Madame President did not get killed. It did not take long until General Harrat launched his first attack. It consisted of two bombers, one of which was directed at the ship of Haiza Musharu while the other was closing in on a ship with hundreds of refugees on board. Oracle reminded Power Girl of her mission and with heavy heart she dismantled one bomber while the refugee ship exploded. But it was all for naught. General Harrat had a plan B and Haiza Musharu was shot only seconds later. Oracle tried to convince Power Girl that she did her best but Kara still was devastated and it took some time until she was able to forgive Oracle for putting her in that position ...