NIGHTWING #41#42#43#47 - DC COMICS (2000)



Nite-Wing is watching some of Ricky Noone's thugs how they are putting a guy named Mitch into the trunk of their car. Nite-Wing takes these guys out, ties them to the rear bumper of the car and then takes a ride with it. Meanwhile, Dick Grayson reports back at the Police Academy. He has found a valid excuse for his absence from the academy (when he actually helped Batman in Gotham City during No Man's Land) and, thus, is allowed to finish his training and become a cop. Dick once again walks into Mac Arnot and continues to have a bad feeling about this guy. Detective Phil Addad interrogates Mitch who was found by the police in the trunk of a car which also had to dead bodies attached to it. Mitch has no useful information for the detective, so Addad lets him go knowing that Ricky Noone will take care of him. Indeed, Ricky picks up Mitch right outside the precinct. Mitch confesses that he heard one of Ricky's men say "Nightwing" while he was in the trunk. Noone immediately informs Blockbuster about that. Days later, Dick graduates from the Police Academy and Bridget Clancy is there to celebrate with him. She tells her that she took his advice and got a scholarship from Waynetech. Nite-Wing was not too pleased that his last deed was not a huge media hit. Therefore, he visits Chief Redhorn and tells him that he not only wants to take down Ricky Noone, but he also wants to be on the front page of the newspapers ...