Upon returning to Earth, Martian Manhunter began looking at his alter egos around the globe, starting with a cat named Tomasso in Venice. Later, he moved onto another secret identity in Rio de Janeiro: a poor boy named Paolo. The other children told him that the D.E.O. came looking for him. When one child claimed that his sister Marta had been taken, "Paolo" said that he would find her. However, he decided to return to Denver first.
At his office, he was phoned by Cameron Chase, who told him that Mister Bones wanted to see him. At the D.E.O. headquarters, Chase told "Mister Bones" that she had made preparations for his meeting with Martian Manhunter. Then, another Mister Bones walked in the room and Chase aimed her gun at him, believing him to be the disguised Martian, although the "Mister Bones" behind her was actually the Martian impostor. Chase revealed that they had not exposed his secret identities, as they believed that they could use them as a bargaining chip and have him use his powers to discover the secret identities of metahumans, starting with the Justice League. Martian Manhunter refused, but Mister Bones gave him until midnight to change his mind. The Martian brought up Chase's father to her and claimed that she was doing no justice to his memory. Then, she told Mister Bones that she had no misgivings in completing her assignment, but believed that it was a bad plan.
Martian Manhunter warned Superman at the Watchtower and the two aliens contemplated how to respond. At Chase's apartment, she went through photos of her father as the Acro-Bat and found a picture of him with the Bronze Wraith, who was actually a disguised Martian Manhunter. She also learned that the Bronze Wraith had saved her father's life. Then, Mister Bones phoned her and informed her that Martian Manhunter still had not accepted their deal, so he ordered her to leak his identities on the news the next morning. Martian Manhunter responded and claimed that he would abandon his identities and Superman also vouched for him while certain civilians who knew his secret identities had mixed opinions on learning that he was an alien.
Chase watched a D.E.O. spokesperson claim that she acted without the director's approval and would be investigated and punished and she believed that Mister Bones had set her up. Then, Martian Manhunter visited her and revealed that he did not save her father from death, as the Martian was incapacitated by the killer before he could save her father. Later, Martian Manhunter returned to Venice as Tommaso and visited Carmella, who did not believe the news.
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